I would even say I'd rather do the Dishes (most hated chore) then have sex! I used to have a really healthy libido but now not so much. I used to think I was the only one with this problem but now I am realizing that this is something that is very common. When I was younger I think I wore my poor husband out but now I seriously would be fine with no sex at all. My marriage has been most effected by this issue. At my six week follow-up I talked to my doctor about this problem. She reassured me that this is very common. Men can reproduce the rest of their lives but women only reproduce for a short time therefore they have a decrease in libido and men don't. She also brought up a good point that men don't see it as a problem that they have such a high libido so of course its the women with the problem. Anyway there is nothing I can do medically right now since I am breastfeeding but she gave me some books to read. I read them and they were okay. I realized that I am more concerned about him climaxing that I don't consider how I feel. I have learned that I am more willing to give it up when we plan ahead instead of crawling into bed and then being asked. I also learned that the more we do it the more I want it. My husband has been really great lately making sure I am getting what I need too. For now I think we have found a system that works for us. I still struggle with my libido but it isn't an issue in our marriage anymore.